"Where else can you get Literary Fiction, a taste of old-school National Lampoon comedy, and a good old-fashioned mystery-thriller all in the same place?"
...And if reading isn't your thing, check out our podcast...
The Reckless Ray Power Hour - Political & Social Satire "
Welcome to the Hilton Scott Writing website, Hiltonland! It can be a scary place in my mind, figuratively, and quite literally, so engage with the material at your own risk. Like any good theme park, there’s hopefully a little something for everyone... Some light reads in the blog section for the less adventurous types; some thrills and suspense for the more adventurous, looking for a cozy mystery; and some classic literary fiction for those who like spending their time at the fair pondering why the carnies take so much joy in tricking the rubes.
Thanks for stopping by; read a story or two, and if you must, exits can be found to your left and right.
Welcome to Hiltonland

Upcoming Book Release Summer 2025
The Strangers
It was their first time in town, but they weren't the strangers...
New Stories, Manuscripts, and More...
After years of building up a catalogue of ideas, useless thoughts, eclectic stories, and some occasionally coherent writing, Hilton Scott is happy to share some of the work that's been imagined, dreamt, and written down over the course of the better part of a decade.
Think you know your fictional characters? Who am I?
Answers in Blog
While he was with me, the wonder and diabolism of his experiments fascinated me utterly, and I was his closest companion. Hint- it was at the Miskatonic University of Medical School in Arkham.
Answer in Blog
A puzzling gentleman, about whom little was known, except that he was a polished man of the world. People said that he resembled the poet Byron.
Answer in Blog
Hilton Scott thought of the moment

Is it just me or does anyone else really miss the phrase "off the hook?" Just think of all the great lines technology is slowly robbing us of...
Hilton Scott Writing
Since the Board Members demanded a Mission Statement of some sort, here it is:
​The simple answer…to save the world…but short of that, and until I develop or inherit some type of superpower, an active imagination and the ability to tell a story will have to make do. More realistically, though, the purpose of Hilton Scott Writing is to entertain. Whether that medium falls in the form of a short story or top-five list tailormade for the pages of Buzzfeed, the writing found on this website is designed to entertain. Maybe it elicits a laugh, a shriek, a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, or another emotion I'm not eloquent enough to put to paper; it's here to do just that…entertain…nothing more, nothing less. Now, if some literary agents or publisher types should happen to find themselves perusing the material, well, that's just kismet.
If writing isn't your fancy, try Hilton Scott Music. I understand they play music over there...
those showy bastards.